اطلاعات مطلب
  • بازديدها: 574
  • نويسنده: mbncom
  • تاريخ: 27-06-1397, 14:34
27-06-1397, 14:34

Over 18m tons of iron ore aggregate concrete produced in five months

دسته بندی: اخبار

Iran produced 18.428 million tons of iron ore aggregate concrete during the first five months of the current Iranian year.

According to a report by Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization (IMIDRO) on Monday, the figure shows 19 percent of growth compared to corresponding figure of preceding year which was 15.544 million tons, imidro.gov.ir reported.

Gol-e Gohar produced 6.615 million tons of iron ore concentrate during the period while Chadormalu, Iran Central Iron Ore Company, Middle East Industries Development Holding Company (MIDHCO), Gohar Zamin, Opal Parsian of Sangan, NIMIDCO and Jalalabad produced 3.728 million tons, 2.261 million tons, 2.097 million tons, 1.83 million tons, 1.187 million tons, 456,000 tons and 252,772 million tons of concentrate, respectively.

In 2012, Iran discovered huge reserves of high-quality iron ore in the country's Central Lut desert.

Iran ranks third in Asia and 11th in the world in terms of iron reserves.

Iran is among the 15 major mineral-rich countries and exports its industrial and mineral products to 159 countries, including Iraq, China, the United Arab Emirates, India and Afghanistan.

The country’s production of iron ore, used to make steel, will reportedly rise to 40 million tons. Steel output is set to jump to 55 million tons by 2025, according to Industry, Mine and Trade announcement.





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