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  • بازديدها: 103
  • نويسنده: mbncom
  • تاريخ: 13-10-1402, 12:41
13-10-1402, 12:41

تجهیزات آزمایشگاه مخابرات

دسته بندی: محصولات » تجهیزات آزمایشگاهی-تحقیقاتی » آزمایشگاه برق

شرکت "مدیران بهینه ساز نصیر " تجهیزات آزمایشگاهی و تحقیقاتی مخابرات،مایکروویو،اینترنت اشیا و.... را به شرح ذیل ارایه می نماید.


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01. a group of Cellular mobile training system ..........02
1. GSM Trainer (GSM-5000) ............03
2. WCDMA Trainer (WCDMA-5000) ............06
3. GSM / GPRS, WCDMA(UMTS), LTE, Cellular Mobile Netwotk performance measurement and processing & analyzing the logging data training system ............09 (updated)
4. GSM / GPRS, WCDMA(UMTS), LTE, IMT-2020 (5G), Cellular Mobile Netwotk performance measurement and processing & analyzing the logging data training system ............14 (New)
5. LTE-9000 ............21 (New)
6. Mobile Phone repair training equipment (Mobile phone repair-GT4) ............26
02. a group of Web, App script programming & test solution, and Performance load test solution ..........32
7. Mobile App Test - gt2works ............33
8. Test Automation-700 & QMC ............36
9. Performance Load Testing-700 ............46
03. a group of GPS training system ..........50
10. GPS-5000 ............51 (upgraded)
04. a group of Satellite Communication training system ..........55
11. Satellite-TVRO & Internet  ............56
12. Satellite-7000 ............60 (updated)
13. Satellite-7000 with antenna  ............66
05. a group of Radar Taining system ..........73
14. Radar-1000 ............74
06. a group of Microwave communication training system ..........76
15. RFKIT-3000 ............77
07. a group of ANTENNA training system ..........81
16. Antenna-3000 ............82 (under renewal)
08. a group of Analog & Digital Communication system ..........84
17. Digital-5000 ............85
18. Analog & Digital-5000 ............88
09. a group of Semiconductor training system ..........92
19. Semiconductor circiut-GT202327 ............93
20. semiconductor-GT202328............96
10. a group of Wi-Fi training system ..........102
21. WiFi-GT7000 ............103
22. TETRA-5000............109
11. a group of Router training system  ..........113
23. Router310 ............114
12. a group of AI (Artificial Intelligence) Training System ..........118
24. Artificial Intelligence-GT19 ............119 (New)
13. a group of AI Autonomous driving robot/car training system  ..........124
25. AI Autonomous driving robot-GT20........125
26. AI Autonomous driving car-GT21 ...........128
27. AI Autonomous driving-CAR2 ...........131 (New)
14. a group of AR/VR Training System  ..........134
28. AR Virtual Aquarium-GT3000........135
29. VR Drone-GT700 ...........138
15. a group of LED Training System ..........146
30. LED-GT4.0 ............147
16. a group of Nuclear Power Plant Training System ..........151
31. Nuclear Power Plant-GT4.0 ............152
17. a group of Drone training system ..........156
32. Drone Quadcopter-GT4.0 ............157
33. Anti Drone-GT800 ............161
18. a group of GIS(Geographic Information System) training system ........165
34. JOYMAP EDU ............166
19. a group of Embedded training system ........173
35. Embedded-GT26 ............174 (New)
20. a group of Bluetooth training system ..........177
36. BT-4000 ............178
21. a group of Zigbee training system ..........180
37. FZ800LITE ............181 (New)
22. a group of Fiber optic training system ..........184
38. Fiber optic connectorization & splice kit ( Fiber optic-1000 ) ............185 (updated)
39. Fiber optic-3000 ............189
40. Fiber optic line field service-5000 ............192
23. a group of RFID Trainer ..........198
41. RFID-1356 ............199
24. a group of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting trainer ..........204
42. DMB-7000 ............205
25. a group of TV trainer ..........210
43. GT-HDTV15 ............211
26. a group of Cyber Security Training system ..........215
44. Cyber Security-GT4.0 ...........216 (New)
27. a group of Forensic Training system ..........219
45. Mobile Forensic-3000 (for 5 users) ...........220
46. Mobile Forensic-5000 ............224
47. Desktop forensic qator-EDU ............228
28. a group of Big Data Management Training system ..........231
48. Cryptography xConnect ............232
29. a group of Big Data Management Training system ..........237
49. GT-IoT & bigdata700 ............238 (updated)
50. BigData-EDU4.0 ............244 (New)
51. GT-BDAP7000 ............248
30. a group of IoT (Internet of Things) Training system ..........254
52. GT-IoT300 ............255
53. GT-IoT900 ............261
54. GT-IoT Prime24 ............267 (New)
55. IoT Home Network Testbed-GT16 ............271
31. a group of IoT Home Network Training Sytem ..........276
56. GT-IoT Home Network ............277
32. a group of IoT Renewable Energy Training Sytem ..........280
57. IoT & Renewable Energy-1500 ............281 (New)
33. a group of IoT Smart Farm Training Sytem ..........287
58. GT-IoT Smart Farm4.0 ............288 (New)
34. a group of IoT Healthcare & Biomedical Sytem  ..........292
59. GT-IoT Healthcare & Biomedical3 ............293 (New) 
35. a group of Programming kit, Coding analysis solution. ......................296
60. GT- C learning100 ............297 (New)
61. GT-Android App programming200 ............301 (New)
62. GT-C learning & Android App programming ............305
63. Database & Linux700 ............310 (New)
64. Robot-car7 by Python ............312 (New)
65. Robot-car8 by Scratch programming ............315 (New)
66. GT-Arduino77 ............319 (updated)
67. GT-Arduino700 ............323
68. GT-ISDK700(JAVA programming) ............327
69. GT-Raspberrypi3 ............329
70. GT-Raspberrypi22 ............333 (New)
71. Coding Analyzer-GT700 ............338
36. a group of SMART Phone training system ..........346
72. Android4.3JB ............347
37. a group of SMART Building control system ..........351
73. Smart building-GT7000 ............352
38. a group of MOBILE GAME training system ..........361
74. MGT-1000 ............362
75. MGT-3000 ............364
39. a group of FPGA & SoC training equipment ..........366
76. CPLD-1000 ...........367
77. FPGA-1000 ............370
78. FPGA-GTC2500 ............372 (New)
79. FPGA Prime-GTC3500 ............375 (New)
80. FPGA Design-4000 ............378
81. FPGA/SoC -5000 ............383
82. SoC Design-7000 ............387
40. a group of DSP training system .........391
83. DSP-TMS320F28335 ............392
41. a group of Miconcontroller & Microprocessor training system ..........395
84. Breadboard-1000 ............396
85. PIC-16F874 ............397
86. Microcontroller - PIC, 8051, AVR ............399
87. Micriprocessor-Cortex M4 ............401
88. Micriprocessor-AVR, Cortex M4 ............404
42. a group of ROBOT training system .........407
89. DC motor robot-1000 ............408
90. STEP motor robot-1000 ............411
91. RF control robot-1000 ............414
92. Humanoid-5000 ............417 (updated)
93. Robot Training system (mobile robot-C, Android App, Scratch, Phython) ............420
94. ibrain Mobile robot trainer-8000 ............426
95. Omi-directional & 7-DOF Manipulator robot -8000 ............431
96. Industrial 6 axis  robot-GT290 ............435
43. a group of collaborative ROBOT training system .........438
97. Collaborative robot, cobotGT-M0609 ............439 (New)
44. a group of Healthcare & Biomedical training system .........448
98. GT-Healthcare & Biomedical 3 ............449 (New)
45. a group of Electric & electronic circuit training system .........452
99. GT-Electric & electronic circuit 11 ............453
100. Basic Electronics-GTBD1002 ............456 (New)
101. Electrical & Electronic project-GTBD1900 ............458 (New)
102. Electrical Switchgear & protection trainer ............463
46. a group of LOGIC LAB training system .........470
103. Logic circuit design-GTC4100 ............471
104. Digital Logic Circuit-GT510 ............475
105. Digital logic-3000 ............479
106. Logic Simulator, GT-LSP ............480
47. a group of Mechatronics training system ..........481
107. PLC-GLOFA-1000 ............482
108. PLC-MASTER-K-2000 ............483
109. PLC-XGK-3000 ............484
110. PLC MELSEC-Q ............485
111. GT-PLC700 ............487
112. PLC Modular trainer (PLC Modular-GT30924) ............490
113. PLC-GTBD1400 ............495
48. a group of Mechanical training system ..........502
114. Hydraulic-GT280 ............503
115. Pneumatic-GT270 ............513
116. Pneumatic control-7000 ............521
49. a group of Mechatronics training system ..........529
117. Analog sensor-GT230 ............530
118. Digital sensor-GT240 ............534
119. Vision sensor-GT250 ............538
120. Safety sensor-GT260 ............542
121. Mechatronics-GT222 ............546
50. a group of Smart factory training system ..........551
122. Smart factory-GT3000 ............552 (New)
123. Smart factory-GT4000 ............557 (New)
51. a group of Electricity training system ..........562
124. 3-phase induction motor-500 ............563
125. 3-phase induction motor-1000 ............565
126. 1-phase condenser induction motor-500 ............567
127. 1-phase condenser induction motor-1000 ............569
128. Senser Drive-500 ............571
129. Senser Drive-1000 ............573
130. Limit Drive-500 ............575
131. Limit Drive-1000 ............577
132. Temperature control-500 ............579
133. Temperature control-1000 ............581
134. DC motor-500 ............583
135. DC motor-1000 ............585
136. DC motor-1500 ............587
137. Stepping motor-1000 ............589
138. Stepping motor-1500 ............591
139. AC Servo motor -1500 ............593
140. DC Servo motor -1500 ............595
141. Servo motor trainer (GT-SMCT100) ............597
142. Inverter-1500 ............599
143. Relay Drive-1000 ............601
144. Basic sequence-700 ............602
145. Sequence-1000 ............604
146. Swquence-5000 ............605
147. 7-Segment experiment kit ............608
148. Lamp load experiment kit ............610
149. Heater load experiment kit ............612
150. Car parking-1000 ............614
151. Traffic signal control-1000 ............615
152. Electric power conversion experiment -1000 ............616
153. High-voltage Electricity-GT11M ............618
154. HighVoltage-GT700 ............624
155. Elevator Training system ............633
156. Automatic Door Training system ............635
157. Transformer trainer ............637 (New)
158. Electrical Machine trainer ............639 (New)
159. Electrical Technology trainer ............642 (New)
160. Electrical Assembly Training Equipment ............646 (New)
161. Instrument and Lighting 1 phase & 3 phase Motor Trainer ............648 (New)
162. Electrical installation & maintenance-GTBD1600 ............650
52. a group of FMS (flexible manufacturing system) training system ..........653
163. FMS-5000 ............654
164. Production Automation-5000 ............656
53. a group of Power Line Communication system ..........660
165. Power Line Communication trainer ............661
54. a group of Aircraft training system ..........664
166. Aircraft & aviation-AT1000 ............665
55. a group of Solar & Wind Energy Training System ..........668
167. GT-Solar900 ............669
168. GT-Solargen16 ............673
169. Energy Conversion-1000 ............676
170. GT-Wind Energy16 ............681
171. GT-Windgen17 ............683
172. Wind power-GTBD1800 ............686
173. GT-Solar & Wind trainer ............689
174. GT-Fuel Cell16 ............692
175. Renewable energy-1500 ............695
56. a group of Electrolysis of water, hydrogen training System ..........700
176. Renewable energy electrolysis of water, hydrogen-GT31117 ............701 (updated)
57. a group of Smart Grid Training System ..........708
177. Smart Grid-GTP990 ............709 (updated)
58. a group of Alarm System Trainer ..........714
178. Fire Alarm-GT100 ............715 (New)
179. Sesurity Alarm-GT200 ............718 (New)
59. a group of Thermal, Steam & Boiler Training Sytem ..........721
180. GT-Steam & Boiler 16 ............722
181. Steam Plant-GT19 ............724
182. GT-Thermal55 ............726
183. GT-Geothermal heat energy700 ............729
184. Ice Stores-5000 ............732
185. Heat Exchanger-5000 ............734
186. Water Heating-5000 ............737
187. Cooling system with Ice Storages-GT900 ............739
60. a group of Refrigeration, Air Conditioner, Ice making system ..........741
188. Refrigeration-GT100 ............742
189. Refrigeration & Freezing-GT200 ............744
190. Air Conditioning-GT300 ............746
191. Ice making system-GT400 ............748
192. Multi Compressor rack refrigeration -GT500 ............750
193. Air ventilation(heating & cooling) -GT600 ............752
194. Air ventilation(cooling & heating) system trainer - Benchtop type (Air ventilation-GT600A) ............754
195. Splat cooling regrigeration-GT700 ............756
61. a group of Live & long-distance interactive learning Studio system .......759
196. GT-Studio300 ............760
197. CCTV-5000 ............767
198. GT-Solar & Wind vane16 ............773
62. a group of Universal Testing Machine .......780
199. GT-E-30LPC ............781
200. GT-A-0.3C ............784
201. GTA-B-0.5PC(Hydraulic Servo control type) ............788
63. a group of PCB Prototype Machine .......792
202. GT-PCB500, GT-PCB500H, GT-PCB700, GT-PCB700H ............793
64. a group of Metaverse & immersive learning system  .......798
203. Metaverse & immersive learning VR Kiosk-GT3000 ............799 (New)
204. Metaverse & immersive learning VR Kiosk-GT5000 ............802  (New)
205. Metaverse & immersive learning XR Center-GT7000 ............805  (New)

ابر تگ‌ها: اینترنت اشیا, مخابرات, مایکروویو, ریزپردازنده, دوربین پرسرعت, دوربین حرارتی

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    شعب: شیراز و مشهد
    تلفن : 02144237763 - 02188668972 - 02188663258
    فکس : 89770683
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